George Grant TU submitted the letter below to MFWP in regard to the 5 year review of the Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans.
October 28, 2015
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks,
Attn: Cheryl Morris
1400 S. 19th Ave.,
Bozeman, MT 59718
Re: Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the ongoing review of the Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans. The George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GGTU) represents the interests of about 300 conservation minded anglers throughout southwest Montana. GGTU supports the current Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans and urges that FWP make no changes to either plan. As many in FWP and Region 3 know, GGTU has been deeply involved in the development of both the Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management plans. GGTU was one of the lead organizations promoting Senate Bill 445 in the Montana Legislature in 1999; a bill that would have regulated the recreation management on these two rivers. Later in 1999, members of our Board of Directors sat on the original advisory committees that developed the first Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management plans. Members of our organization sat on multiple other river advisory committees through the years, including the statewide river recreation advisory committee. Through all of these administrative processes, GGTU has supported the Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans.
It has now been 16-years since the first river recreation plans were implemented on the Big Hole and Beaverhead rivers and GGTU continues to support these rules for the reasons we stated over 16-years ago. The Big Hole and Beaverhead river recreation plans provide for an orderly recreation experience in which the interests of the public are balanced with the interests of commercial users. The two plans provide for an opportunity for the public to recreate on certain portions of both rivers, free of the competitive environment that is often found on rivers with unrestricted commercial use. The plans are simple to understand; as simple as knowing the day of the week. In the final analysis, an orderly recreation experience, with reasonable limits protects these rivers and the fishery, and addresses the concerns of recreation impacts on the river resource and adjacent landowners. These plans have proven to be an effective way to manage river recreation and provide for a more relaxed recreation experience, something that the public seeks and benefits from.
The Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Plans have enjoyed strong public support since their inception in 1999. The George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited supports the existing Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation Management Plans and urges FWP to make no changes what-so-ever to either plan during the current regulatory review. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Roy Morris, President
Steve Luebeck, Director