So here’s the deal. At our last Board of Director’s meeting, Jim Olson, FWP Fisheries Biologist asked us for help recruiting volunteers for help cutting willow stakes. The fine folks at The Big Hole Watershed Committee sent this same request in their newsletter. It couldn’t be stated better than Tana did so the request is simply duplicated below. Visit their website here:
Big Hole Watershed Committee
The BHWC are some really great folks who love and respect the resource and GGTU supports them. This project is one of several that we’ve been helping fund for the last 3 years. It’s for the fish, right?
So what’s the deal with the above photo? you might ask.
Last week we met Maddie Brenneman. She’s a super cool fishergal who is totally all about the resource so we asked her if we could use some of her photos to help get the word out about the good work GeorgeGrantTU does for resource and access. She was all in on that so here’s one of her photos from FaceBook.
Maddie Brenneman FaceBook Page
Thank you Maddie!!
Big Hole Watershed Committee
Calling All Volunteers!
The Big Hole Watershed Committee and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks are in need of volunteers to cut willow stakes for the French & Moose Creek restoration project area. BHWC, MFWP, and volunteers will meet:
Monday, April 25, 20169am at the Moose Creek turnoff
Find the Moose Creek turnoff:
The Moose Creek turnoff is located on Highway 569 (Mill Creek Road), the Scenic Byway between Highway 43 and Anaconda, MT. Blue signs marked BHWC Restoration Tour will be visible. Please note, this is a volunteer field day, not a restoration tour. The French & Moose Creeks restoration project tour will be held later at a later date.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please bring sunscreen and loppers/cutters if available.
RSVP to:
Tana Nulph, BHWC Conservation Programs Coordinator, by April 21st 406-267-3421 or
so we can plan for lunch.
Thank you for your support!
About the French & Moose Creeks Restoration Project:
The French & Moose Creeks restoration project will repair streams impacted by historic placer mining and smelting that occurred around the turn of the 20th century. The restoration will improve water quality & the fishery and will restore degraded wetlands. Willows cut in April will be planted in May/June. The French & Moose Creek project is a collaborative effort with several funding sources and nearly $1.3 million in funding secured. For more information, see BHWC October meeting minutes, below:
October 2015 Minutes – Restoration Project begins on pg 4 ~click here~