The How and The Why of The Arctic Grayling Recovery Program
On February 18th the Arctic Grayling CCAA Program team will presented an update on the current Arctic Grayling conservation work and status in southwestern Montana. The update included historical perspectives of Arctic grayling conservation, current conservation efforts and population status in the Big Hole and southwestern MT. The update also included conservation efforts through the Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances Program (CCAA) in the Upper Big Hole watershed that are addressing threats and improving habitat for Arctic grayling. The presentation included how MFWP is monitoring Arctic grayling through genetic analysis and presented up to date population trends and genetic status. Also presented was a newly developed CCAA program in the Centennial Valley. Jim Magee (Fish and Wildlife Biologist for USFWS), Jarrett Payne (Riparian Ecologist for FWP), and Ryan Kreiner (Native Species Biologist for FWP) were the presenters for the program